When purchasing car insurance, several factors will affect your rate. The riskier your driving record, the higher your premium will be. To get the lowest rate possible, shop around and compare a few different insurance companies. Your credit score, driving record, car model, and the amount of coverage you opt for all determine your car insurance rate. Carr Insurance Group serving the greater Maryville, TN community can help you with auto insurance.
What Factors Affect Auto Insurance Rates?
Record of Accidents and Violations
If you have been in any accidents, this will likely increase your rates regardless of who was at fault. If you want to keep your premiums as low as possible, shop around and find a company that offers the lowest rate. Keep your record clean by maintaining a policy with a company that offers good driver discounts.
Even if you don’t have any violations or accidents on your record, you can still shop around and find a company that provides the best car insurance rates. Accident prevention devices installed in your car can reduce your rates by up to 20%.
Your Car’s Make and Model
You pay more for a luxury car or a sports car than an SUV or a sedan. This is because luxury cars and sports cars are more likely to be involved in accidents and more likely to be stolen. Another important factor that car manufacturers take into account when determining your car’s insurance rate is its safety features.
Many cars come with standard safety features these days, but it is important to note that some cars have more impressive safety features than others. If you are considering buying a new car, you should think about which car models have the best safety features and try to buy a car that has a high safety rating.
Your Coverage Options
Most companies offer a variety of policy types, from standard coverage to specialized policies like pickup trucks or sports cars. They may also offer different deductibles for different types of coverage, like collision or medical expenses. For professional auto insurance services, call Carr Insurance Group in Maryville, TN.