Most classic car owners invest significant time and money into their cars to make them look and operate their best. When taking the car to shows, they share their experiences and knowledge with other owners who enjoy restoring cars to their glory. The pride that comes from restoring the car yourself is one reason insurance companies often allow owners to repair their classic cars after an accident. If you need a classic car or other insurance and live in the Maryville, TN, area, contact the Carr Insurance Group team for assistance.
Understanding Classic Car Insurance and Self Repair
Even if they come off the assembly line one after another, no two classic cars are alike. Neither are their owners, who bring their own tastes and techniques to their cars. Many insurance companies cater to classic car owners’ desires by allowing them to make repairs themselves following an accident.
Most everyday vehicles go to preferred repair providers, which are often solid and efficient, but they lack the training and tools needed for classic cars. Instead, classic cars tend to be repaired at higher-priced specialist shops, where the car and shop owners have more freedom and price flexibility when acquiring authentic replacement parts.
If you want the option to repair your car following an accident, work with your insurance agent to select the right company and policy. Some insurers will actively assist you in locating the parts you need and provide other services to make the process go smoothly.
Working with the Carr Insurance Group
The Carr Insurance Group team will help you obtain classic car insurance that fits your needs. If you live in or near Maryville, TN, call (865) 688-1212 or stop by today, and we will address your insurance needs.